
Center Hours

We are very aware that today it is very important that you have the maximum flexibility of schedules. Therefore, we open the doors at 7:30 am / 5:00 pm.

We are open every day of the year, including Easter and Christmas (except for Saturdays and Sundays, holidays in Mijas and National holidays).

In the same way, we activate playroom services, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., when aminimumgroupof students is formed.

We want to give you the maximum possible facilities!

Own kitchen with the best raw material

We believe that in this stage of life, an adequate diet is fundamental, since it conditions the good physical and intellectual development of the child; therefore, all meals are prepared daily in our own kitchen, following a specifically designed menu.

In addition, we try that all the food we use to make the daily menu are of the highest possible quality.

Only in this way do we guarantee that the feeding of your children allows them to develop optimally, being able to face the day with the greatest guarantees

A complete Center

- Daily information with all the information of interest for parents
- Quarterly evaluation
- Health insurance
- Rotating support staff in each classroom
- Internal video surveillance system
- Own educational project through Multiple Intelligences
- English classes
- Our goal, qualityeducation

Summer school

Our summer school has it all, to make your vacations, unforgettable memories, among colleagues. Promoting and reinforcing all the values ​​that they have acquired throughout the course

Bilingual activities

In addition to the different workshops and activities carried out in our extensive facilities, the reinforcement of the language is something that prevails in each and every one of the days, so that in an easy and simple way, they can achieve the goal, learn a language in a natural way and with interactive activities suitable for them

Classes to know us

Personality development: emotionality, affectivity and adaptation

Why, how and in what way a newly fertilized ovum in the womb of a mother becomes in the course of a few years a being in itself, with identity and self-awareness, and is gradually placed in a certain attitude and posture, differentiated from all the others and in a permanent dialogue with the world around him?


- Sensations
- Emotions
- Feelings
- Memory
- Conscious knowledge
- Will
- Identity
- Harmony

Rhythm, control and inhibition

Orderly response of the central nervous system to stimuli, maximum use of energy, and ability to brake

Gross Motricity

Without development of the movement there is no development of thought. The child is built from the ground stimulating the movement in a harmonic way: Balance, Coordination, Agility

Fine motor

Organization of basic skills: launch, manipulation-toning of both hands and correct construction of the clamp


The experiences of the body suppose the roots of the human being

Spatial orientation and body outline

Ability to find myself and relate to my environment. Image of the mental representation of our body

Communication and language

Communicate is equivalent to relating to others, that is, it enables me to live in society
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